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Newest success stories

Lincoln Loop: Building a sustainable business inspired by Python’s ethos

Since its founding in 2007, Lincoln Loop has been building sites for their clients with Python and Django. They credit Python's philosophy of practicality and explicitness, along with the rich ecosystem of open-source libraries available on PyPI, as keys to their success. Additionally, the inclusivity, openness, and strong culture of collaboration in the Python community have enabled the agency to find and hire great people who are lifelong learners. Read more

How HyperFinity Is Streamlining Its Serverless Architecture with Snowflake's Snowpark for Python

Snowpark enables us to accelerate development while reducing costs associated with data movement and running separate environments for SQL and Python. Read more

Reimagining data science with Python-based operators in Einblick’s visual canvas

Reimagining data science with Python-based operators in Einblick’s visual canvas

Einblick reimagines the modern data science workflow in a collaborative data science canvas, rather than a linear notebook. Working in a canvas environment offers many advantages including live collaboration, an expansive visual interface, and a progressive computation engine. In this article, we’ll highlight one of the key ways we’re saving data scientists time–our operators. We’ll go through a couple of our core operators, why Python is such a crucial part of our software solution, and how we augmented our offerings with a user operator interface. The latter allows users to customize and use their own operators, which can be used in any Einblick canvas, and shared with other Einblick users. Read more

Bleeding Edge Dependency Testing Using Python

After pip introduced a dependency resolver in October 2020, we decided to take a more prescriptive approach to dependency pinning for internal projects at Capital One. Specifically, this involved adding both lower and upper pins to any direct dependencies for all packages. However, this decision added a new form of maintenance cost: updating the pins. We needed an automated way to help remediate security vulnerabilities identified in packages and continue to support the latest version of dependencies in a way that scaled. edgetest was a solution to this problem given the number of Python packages our team supported during that time. Read more

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