Download Python for Other Platforms
Python has been ported to a number of specialized and/or older platforms, listed below in alphabetical order. Note that these ports often lag well behind the latest Python release.
Python for AIX
AIX binary packages for Python3 and Python2 are provided by AIXTOOLS for no-charge. The packages are supplied in installp format (not RPM format). There are no pre-requisites other than a recent version of openssl.base.
See the AIXTOOLS wiki for additional details. The download page for Python 3 is at and the download page for Python 2 is at
For issues concerning the installation of AIXTOOLS packaging of Python please post your issue at
Python for IBM i (formerly AS/400, iSeries)
Both Python 2 and Python 3 are available from IBM in RPM form. They can be installed with the yum package manager or with the IBM i Access Client Solutions product. To get started with RPM-based open source packages for IBM i, visit
These RPM packages require a version of IBM i in active (not extended) support. Alternatively, hosts an IBM i port of Python 2.7, ported by Per Gummedal, which can also be run on older versions of the operating system.
Python for iOS and iPadOS
Pythonista is a complete development environment for writing Python scripts including third-party libraries and system integration on your iPad or iPhone.
Pyto also provides a complete development environment for running Python 3 including many third-party libraries and system integration on an iPad or iPhone.
Python for OS/390 and z/OS
Rocket Software provides a port of Python for z/OS. They support both Python 2 and Python 3.
Python for RISC OS
Python is available for RISC OS, and can be obtained using the PackMan package manager.
Python for Solaris
You can purchase ActivePython (commercial and community versions, including scientific computing modules, not open source), or build from source if you have a C compiler.
UNIX Packages has a variety of Python versions for a variety of Solaris versions. These use the standard Sun pkgadd.
Python for UEFI Environment
Standard CPython version 3.6.8 port for the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) shell environment is available through the Tianocore open source project. This provides the standard Python scripting capabilities on UEFI environment, helping the UEFI based firmware and platform developer community to use it for platform, firmware validation, debug and the like. Python for UEFI source code and build instructions are available here.
Currently build support is enabled using VS2019 and GCC5 tool chains for x86 and x64 bit platforms.
Python for VMS
A VMS port is available.
Python for HP-UX
You can purchase ActivePython (commercial and community versions, including scientific computing modules, not open source)
Alternate Python packages for Linux
You can purchase ActivePython (commercial and community versions, including scientific computing modules, not open source)